What types of jobs does Sandvik offer?
We offer jobs in a wide range of areas. Examples are engineering, manufacturing, finance, EHS, marketing and sales.
Can I make an open application?
We can not accept open applications. Instead, we invite you to view job openings or find out more about various job areas at Sandvik.
What steps are included in the recruitment process?
On the page for the recruitment process, you find a brief description of the steps connected to recruitments.
How can I get in touch with the HR department?
For questions regarding an open position, never hesitate to reach out to the contact person stated in the job advertisement.
If you have other career-related questions*, please send us a message.
*Please note that we can not accept open applications. Instead, we invite you to view available job openings.
Does Sandvik offer trainee programs?
We have a Graduate program which alternates between training and work, both in the home country of the respective participant and globally.
During the program, participants will get a deep understanding and learning about our business and how we help our customers to succeed.