How to balance work and studies at Sandvik

Elvin Berndtsson started his own carting company at the age of 16, got an internship at Sandvik after secondary school and now combines engineering studies with a part-time job. At the age of 20, he has a broader CV than many of his peers.
In this episode, we meet with Elvin Berndtsson, who works part-time at Sandvik in parallel with his studies to become a machining engineer. He applied for an internship through the Tekniksprånget (Technology Leap) initiative and spent four months at Sandvik Rock Processing Solutions in Svedala, Sweden. When his internship was finalized he was offered a job at the site.
“I think I got the job because I’m interested in learning new things and I’m curious”, he says.
Working part-time at Sandvik and studying at Lund University is a perfect combination of theory and practice and brings him lots of experience. It has also killed some of his prejudices towards companies of this size.
“Before I started at Sandvik I was scared of the size, it felt so big. After the internship, I realized it comes with lots of opportunities.”
Meet Sandvik Podcast
In each episode of the podcast Meet Sandvik you will meet different persons that give their perspective on Sandvik. Sometimes it´s an employee telling his or her story. Sometimes you will meet experts discussing how a hot topic can affect Sandvik.